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I use the following to make it:


Peel horseradish

Peel about a thumb's length of root ginger

Mince up your horseradish and ginger with a hand mincer

Add a tub of creme fraiche (depending on how much horseradish you have)

Add a splash of white wine vinegar and about a teaspoon of english mustard (I prefer Colemans)

Mix it all up until the colour is consistant and it looks about right


Leave overnight in the fridge in a glass jar with a lid for the flavours to permeate and then serve with beef, either hot or cold. Or in a mature cheddar sandwich.




p.s. I like it hot and my recipie has been known to make people cry. It also gets better the longer it stays in the fridge!

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A great fundraising idea I had at the age of 14 was to make horseradish sauce and sell it in the Pub.


I spent almost a week digging the horseradish (roots go to Australia) and then I boiled the roots.

I went from enough horseradish to make a barrel of sauce, to enough to just about fill a jamjar.

It all boiled away. ???


Finely grate it, I found was the best way to keep a strong flavour.

Use natural yoghurt, if you don't want cream.

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