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light weight 12 or standard 20


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"i was assuming" we were talking about cartridge of the same specifications when i said the 20g will throw fewer shot at your target. the 12g throws approximately 28% more shot which in turn increases recoil if other factors( gun type,and weight, mv), etc are equal ,but why would any body think otherwise


Why would anybody think otherwise? Well, mainly because a lot of what you've just said is nonsense!

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Guest cookoff013

to the OP.


there is a big difference in the cartridges avaialble for the 12. less for the 20. if you were shooting waled up birds like they do in america, then a 20 is perfect for alot of applications. where as the 12 has always been synonamus with english driven shooting where big loads and very testing shots. the american plains shooting over dogs, targets are engaged at under 30 yards.

the only advantage a 20 gauge may have is the gun is lighter to carry, the advantage of 12gauge regardless of weight is the fact it can pretty much shoot anything (cartridge wise).


20gauge are good guns, but tey have there place where they excell, 12 is a jack of all trades, it may not do all the jobs with finess, but it`ll do job !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Easiest to shoot might be a semi auto, though invite days not really done wi a semi , I shoot most of my pigeon with 20 gauge fabarmn, an 25 gramme loads, my advise don't put heavy loads through a twenty, 28gramme plenty, an they in my opinion better through twelve pay yer money take your choice, I probably miss less with a twelve, but a twenty an 21 or 25 gramme loads an absolute joy to shoot, an although I have known wild towel shot with twenty if you do a lot of this buy a twelve. But for pigeon I'm a twenty fan. Purely personnel. Preference.

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