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Enjoyable day with Yickdaz


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Had an enjoyable with with Daz on friday.

We started up by watching a couple of rape fields where a couple of hundred pigeons or more lifted off as we approached. We waited and watched for while but they never returned, so we went looking for some more. Never really found a definate place where the pigeons wanted to commit to, we ended up setting up on a field of short winter barley, where there was something resembling a flightline. By this time we had decided that corvids were the best bet. We had crow deeks on one side and a few woodpigeon deeks on the other.

Started off ok. with a few woodpigeons , then a few rooks, but 3 hours later it went really dead, so we decided to move.

This time we went to a large wood, where we were going to try a bit of roost shooting.

That was excellent !

Really tall tree's meant all the shots were at extreme range, with woodpigeon flying at speed. I've got to say there was some good shots between us, Daz is an excellent shot. Extremely satisfying hitting birds that high, and they don't half hit the ground with a thump.

Between us we hadn't missed many, to be honest, all day, but ! as the light faded a few missed shots happened. (Not a lot). I think it was difficult to judge the range in the dim light.(Thats my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.) :D

Nearly forgot, in between, we had a little rough shoot and Daz popped a couple of pheasants that I flushed up.

So all in all a very satisfying, sporting, and mega enjoyable day.


Can't remember all the exact figures, but we had about ,in total 20 woodies ,10 rooks, and a couple of pheasant.

Wasn't the numbers, it was those extreme high shots that made the day. :yes:

Edited by caeser
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