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Lancashire meet @ Toplands Clay Shoot


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Ahh, nothing could be finer than looking out of the window and thinking... its a beautiful day to go shooting. well for once that was today, to be greeted by the sun ( as opposed to the rain as of late) was to be honest, Joyous.


So up at 8 with the Mrs, and Daughter (Bye love have a great day at work!!) and im off to the clay ground,


So Prior to this i added a post to the forum seeing if anyone wanted to come along and throw some lead in the air,


"If you post it..they will come!"" (field of dreams tag line rip off, not a great film)


and takers we had. 6 in total, a fine bunch of people. (when i met them, before the meet its a bit like a blind date!!)




so while we are waiting for Bren (AKA Lock Stock & Barrel) to arrive i have a blat at the pool shoot. not a thing that i am used to dooing, (DTL) but i'll have a go at anything once, (Twice if i like it!!)






Then a couple of others turn up ( still no Bren) Call him and find out he took a wrong turn and had a 12 mile detore. oops. but he will be there in 2 mins,


10 mins pass and a VERY SHEEPISH Bren turns up...minus his car..which is stuck in the lane, in the very soft verg, well giving way to a jag in your VW was very nice of you.

it was soon sorted as a troop of the toplands staff and members soon had his car back on dry land!


so we are off.





its only a 50 clay so no pressure,




Lots of broken clays by everyone.

far too many pix to post, as my official photographer (Heather. 6.) is somewhat snap happy)










Post more soon.



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So after the first stand (me personaly) i manage to 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0. not a bad start, these clays are not the most difficult, the weather is clear but the first stand clays are not the fastest of moving.








i wont post all the pix,


They are all up on photobucket. feel free to have a look. here http://s1292.beta.photobucket.com/user/Glenn_Riggs/library/


i will post the more arty ones!! like this



1st shot @ clay no1


Clay No2 falls to 28Grm No 7 1/2




Happy Bren!!







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last few from me!!





i can honestly say i look better from the back!!

and yes i was the only person using a SBS.!!






Mal !


the short walk back for a brew and a bacon buttie




and Finally the Group Photo.




Cheers to all. and thanks to Toplands for a Top Day.



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Really enjoyed the blog, and looking forward to the next one, amd mabe we could get a few more out on the traps.




Massively in favour of another meet up - perhaps we could do Fauxdegla next time so Andy (Albert 888) can have an easier journey? If you've not yet shot there, it's a great ground with tons of variety in both ESP and all the trap disciplines.


Got any dates in mind so I can post them and get a squad up?



Hi guys looks and sounds like you had a good day. I'm not really a clay shooter not done it for years im more of a pigeon shooter but would really like to meet up and put some faces to names.


You'll be more than welcome mate! :)

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