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calling foxes in the day


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Yes you can, very effectively too. They're not a nocturnal animal so they're often active during the daylight hours. They may respond better during the day if they've been lamped before as they may well associate the light with the call. Just be sure to be as still as possible and conceal yourself where necessary. If you get a sunny afternoon you can often catch them laid up sunning themselves to get a bit of warmth.

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Have a look here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/233836-saturdays-shooting/


I have shot young cubs during the summer during the day, but this was the first adult fox I had shot during day time hours. This was shot about 3pm, but I have heard for best results you are better going out at Dawn. With the cold weather at the moment, foxes will be active during the day and will be easier to call if they are hungry. However, you must ensure the wind is correct (blowing in your face), you are very well camoflaged and you don't move an inch until you are ready to shoot the fox. Good luck.

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As Ollie has said there is nor reason why you should not try calling them in during the day, especially during very cold spells or when you have had a few days of snow (Such as now) and the night time hunting will have been hard for them making them even more hungry that normal and more likely to be out hunting during daylight hours. I have shot a few in daytime that have either been lying in the sunshine warming up during cold spells and in Spring time when they have had to hunt all day long to feed litters of cubs - During these sort of times they can be relatively easy to squeek in.

The main thing is (Again, as Ollie has said) make sure that you are well camoed and conceled and keep as still as you possibly can as their sight will be even more accute than it is after dark and wherever possible keep the wind in your face! (This is where my pop up domed hide really comes into it's own) During times when the ground is covered with snow or frozen solid as it is at the moment it might well be worth baiting up not too far from an earth with a good shooting position with a freshly shot rabbit with its stomach cut open to release the scent and allow it to blow towards the earth.

Good luck with it mate, let us know how you get on!

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Is it possible to call foxes in the daytime ? I have only ever lamped them at night and now my partner is working most times , i was going to start going out in the day with my shotgun , but unsure if i could call them in .



shame you live so far away mate or you could have come with me on tuesday and i would show you how we do it....i use a foxpro and when its snowy like now we put on those white paper overalls so we dont stand out against the snow and put the foxpro on the edge of a large xmas tree plantation and hit the foxes as they leave the woods to look for the sound..

Edited by archie1234
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