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Christened my CZ 527 .223 tonight


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Hello guys, Will have a picture posted by tomorrow so i thought id put it in this section.


Went out tonight with farmerguy.22 lamping, 2nd night out so far with my .223 using 55grn soft nose remingtons. Weather wasnt very good, very wet and very windy but we decided to go. Drove around the usual places but didnt see anything, got to a little wood and saw a pair of eyes around 200yrds away, couldnt see what it was so didnt shoot at it but after driving closer realised it was a fox which ran onto my neighbours land so couldnt get it.


We tackled the field with the cover crop differently tonight, and yes it paid off pulled in the gateway and up ahead at 100yrds was what we thought at first was either a cat or a hare but after looking down my scope at it it was a fox, it walked off to the hedge, so we shouted it and placed the bullet on its chest.


1 Down.

We Scared another fox around a straw stack next to it with the shot that made it hide for cover in it i think.

Finished the night with sightings of 3 foxes and shooting of 1 big dog fox/


The entrance and exit wound wasnt atal what i thought it would be, just like a .22 bullet, no damage atal, but inside it was like jelly, must be a trait for soft nose bullets.



Im a happy man :lol:


(Photo will arrive shortly)


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Alex, the bullet done it's job on the inside, but you will see more damage the more you shoot. When the bullet meets bone it will expand more and cause more external damage. Don't be fooled because you cannot see the damage the bullet has done, that was good placement of the shot. Keep them there and you won't go wrong :lol:

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It definately broke its front leg aswell as messing its insides up, there wasnt any blood last night but much to my dismay there is now and 16 pints worth has covered my car where it was laying. lol


I was impressed with the placement of the shot aswell as thats where i actually aimed, :lol: 1 less to harrass my pheasants.



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Tremendous start Alex - keeping it simple is always the best :( :no::D


Learning by experience - always keep a large plastic bag in your car, and also keep a pair of rubber gloves in your pocket to carry the kill :yes::yes:


From now on it goes downhill - like lying down in a large, soft cowpat to take the shot.


Or having a lamper that insists that you lie in a nice soft cowpat to take the shot, when he knows damn well that it's not a fox at all :lol::lol::lol:


Welcome to the club :D:good:



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Dont wurry, He will have no trouble with the lamper as that is me! :( :D


He will have to repay the favour in a couple of weeks when my licence with a 223 added eventually comes back! Very weird how alex gets his back 3+ weeks before i get mine and only sends his off 3-4 days before me! im not enviouse at all! :no: All good fun still!


Looking forward to tomorow night as out again!

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Alex try and find an old fishing crate. They have a wee hole in each corner but easy to fill with a bolt, or no-nail type of stuff. Stick a bin linner in it and off you go.


If you live or know someone who live near the sea or harbour easy to pick up. They are great for all kind of stuff in the back of the car. once the wife see it she will want it to keep the Tesco bags from sliding all over the boot. :D


By the way great shooting :( sting sting sting :no:

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Yeah i usually put the dead rabbits or foxes in plastic bags, and did so with this fox, but somehow the blood always seems to get out and drown my car, at the present moment my car reeks of fox blood, and its covered all the back of the car, really need to clean it out anyway. :no:


We are off again tomorrow to try and spy out those 2 that ******** off sunday night.





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