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Winchester SX3 - Info Required


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I have a Winchester SX3 (12ga) with a 3 1/2" chamber, looking at the instructions there is no specifications mentioned around the loads it can use.

Interestingly the Hatsan I have does specify the loads in both grams and cartridge pressure.


Maybe some of the stamps/hallmarks on the barrel may provide a clue?


If anyone could shed some light i would be grateful.

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An SX3 will handle any cartridges made for 12 bore that is available!


It should say 12/89 underneath the barrel and the proof will be 1370 bar i think!


That is the longest chamber and highest proof avaible, so pick any cartridge and fire away!


Apart from Hull comp x 21g....


Guy at our club turned up with one yesterday and was saying how it fires "anything"


I gave him a couple of the aformentioned, fired 1 didnt cycle, gave me the other back saying "it usually fires anything"


just saying...



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