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Ear protection


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Best ear protection I can't get on with the ear defender muffs, and when I use the plugs I seem to get headaches I was thinking about the moulded ones ? any advice please cheers

ACS sonic valves is what I use pal http://www.hearingprotection.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=75&Itemid=147 you can get them from most hearing aid places about £100.00 Also no need for batteries .
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There the ones I'm thinking of , do they have the valves that snap shut when gun goes off ? Can't justify the in ear amplified type. Have the can ear defenders with amplifacstion type that knock on stocks that are great but too hot in summer. £500 way too much to justify

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There the ones I'm thinking of , do they have the valves that snap shut when gun goes off ? Can't justify the in ear amplified type. Have the can ear defenders with amplifacstion type that knock on stocks that are great but too hot in summer. £500 way too much to justify


These do have passive valves which allows you to hear conversation, mobile phone etc without taking them out, and gunfire sound is reduced to nothing louder than normal conversation volume.


Conversation is muted somewhat though after a few minutes of talking and listening with them in you get used to the lower volume, but gunfire sound reduction is excellent.

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