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Can you shoot seagulls


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The only time i remember them ******* me off i when trying to bait up carp fishing, there would be none around but get your catapult or throwing stick out and instantly you'd have 30 there waiting for you to start baiting up,and they were experts at getting them,used to drive me mad. These were black headed gulls.

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The only time i remember them ******* me off i when trying to bait up carp fishing, there would be none around but get your catapult or throwing stick out and instantly you'd have 30 there waiting for you to start baiting up,and they were experts at getting them,used to drive me mad. These were black headed gulls.


The scene from 'Finding Nemo' springs to mind when this happens.

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I work in a factory that during the summer has breeding gulls (LBB Gulls I have been told by the pest controller)


Simply walking past buildings with nests on the roof will trigger an attack from them usually resulting in getting dive-bombed and **** on or (so I am told vometted on)


I have personally experienced this numerous times and one member of staff was attacked and his head cut open by one.


The worst is when you have to go up ontop of high tanks ..... They will get very aggeessive then.


Numerous hazard reports have been filed but our company (and even the pest controller) are adamant you cant do anything about it.


I printed out and stuck up a list of guidelines from out local council website saying how LBB gulls can be culled and offered to do it for them but got ignored.


Even the pest controller doesnt bring his Harris hawk in now as it gets mobbed.


Somebody one day is gonna get seriously hurt and these bloody pests need controlling.


Anyone who thinks I'm being a 'nancy' has obviously never been dive-bombed by an angry bird with a 4-5ft wingspan intent on scarinng you away.


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