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First fox with starlight archer


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Used ihunt on my iPhone with an x-mini speaker, played some squealing rabbit and couldn't spot anything, left it 5 tried again scanned behind me and the vixen was sitting watching from behind a hillock.


Could see just see her chest took the shot and she was closer than I thought it entered slightly high and ended up head shot



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Used ihunt on my iPhone with an x-mini speaker, played some squealing rabbit and couldn't spot anything, left it 5 tried again scanned behind me and the vixen was sitting watching from behind a hillock.


Could see just see her chest took the shot and she was closer than I thought it entered slightly high and ended up head shot




well done mate...ive a couple of lamp shy foxes if you wanna trip out this week to my area we can mop them up...drop me a pm.

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Great result Andrew! :good:

I've been out with and seen Andrew's set up with the Archer on his .243 and can honestly say that I have never used a better piece of equipment. It's like shooting in daylight! :yes: :yes: :yes:


p.s. Has the other half found out that you have bought the Archer yet Andrew? :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

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Hi pesky fox

What do you think to your archer ? I know they are good but don't you find it a bit awkward to get your head back enough on the stock to use it ? I'm currently using a kite sight but am interested in your views on the archer

Regards CWD

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you get used to the head position, where they excell is the fact they are easy to swap between guns so no dedicated nv setup and the fact you get a decent level of scope magnification, then the fact you don't need either a hand held spotter or to wave the rifle about to spot then they have a good product. The idea of being able to see to 400 yards but taking shots at 6x magnification or less really doesn't appeal to me. For general foxing and sitting out they are ideal

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I use a kite sight mounted on a blaser rifle but as the blaser mount is a quick release system I can use the kite as a hand held for scanning then quickly fasten it to rifle in the event of a shot

The only drawback with the kite is seeing foxes at long distance but not having the magnification

That said most of the foxes I have shot with this system have mostly been 100 yds or less

I was just curious as to the head position on the stock as it seems a lot more than the normal eye relief you would have just with the scope

Regards CWD

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