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deny essex

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Been awake since before five this morning , nice and quiet apart from the tinnitus screaming in my ears :(

thats sleep done for the night, do yourself a favour and always wear ear protection when shooting, you cant run from tinnitus, you cant hide from it or smother it, if you get it its for life, no remedy's yet.

I have had it for many years so reasonably used to it, but the older I get the louder it seems, that and the wifes snooring !

Couldnt even go shooting as I'm waiting for the hospital to weld my spine together so I cant walk the shooting walk round the fields or drive them.

Its fun getting old ( Not) cant say im getting old gracefuly more like kicking and screaming!:)

I probably spend too much time on PW during the day reading all your posts which keep me entertained and pop in the odd reply or post myself.

So keep the posts going guys I need the entertainment :)



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good advice im in the same possition forgot ear plugs one day did 150 clays woke up the day after with one hell of a headach and the pain was unbelevable result 60% hearing loss in one ear, i now make my lad (who just started shooting) wear in ear and over hear protection at the same time just to be safe.


good luck with the op once they get round to doing it for you.

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I've got those little plugs that go in the ear and fixed together with a bit of plastic string. I fixed them to the hook in my hunting jacket so I've always got them on me. Makes you think though, you don't know what you're missing when you can't hear the birds coming over the top!

:blush: :blush:

Edited by Uncle Albert
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Always wear them for clays but rarely for game or Wildfowling.


Suffer from mild tinnitus on occasion but it goes in a day or so, usually caused by colds.


Would hate to have it constantly :no:


Just ordered some cens proflex passive in ear plugs so will try them on the game shoot.



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Always wear them for clays but rarely for game or Wildfowling.


Suffer from mild tinnitus on occasion but it goes in a day or so, usually caused by colds.


Would hate to have it constantly :no:


Just ordered some cens proflex passive in ear plugs so will try them on the game shoot.




After chatting to Cosd off here,(nice to speak to you mate :good: ) i have done exactly the same and ordered a pair about an hour ago,i have used sonics for a long time but feel they aren't as effective as they could be.I already have some tinnitus from smashing my head on a tank turret and damaging my inner ear,and i don't want any more,you cant get your hearing back.

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After chatting to Cosd off here,(nice to speak to you mate :good: ) i have done exactly the same and ordered a pair about an hour ago,i have used sonics for a long time but feel they aren't as effective as they could be.I already have some tinnitus from smashing my head on a tank turret and damaging my inner ear,and i don't want any more,you cant get your hearing back.


Would rather have it from shooting or loud music,at least fun was had whilst loosing hearing.


Bashing your head off a Tank turret sounds nasty,woman driving Tank by any chance :whistling:



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Would rather have it from shooting or loud music,at least fun was had whilst loosing hearing.


Bashing your head off a Tank turret sounds nasty,woman driving Tank by any chance :whistling:




Nothing so exciting mate,

I was working on a 432 personnel carrier engine,and i had spun the cupola(turret) around to move all the handles and periscopes out of the way,unknown to me my mate working on the top swung the cupola around to do something,i then had difficulty removing the dipstick housing and used good old grunt,i pulled it came off,i went backwards and smashed my head,knocked me out for a second or two. :oops:

I drove home that night,and about 3 hours later with a huge lump on my head found i couldn't stand up and walk in a straight line,i just kept falling over,then over the weekend this loud ringing started in my left ear. :sad1:

I went to work on the monday and lined up to march on the square,as we marched on the SSM dragged me out and asked if i was drunk,as i was weaving all over the place,i didn't realise i was and was sent to the medical centre,had lots of checks,along with some concussion i had damaged my inner ear,i was told the ringing might go away,or stay,that was 20 years ago, so i think it's here to stay. :(


Or you could have the hero version,where i had to jump onto a runaway tank to stop it running over some kittens that were crossing the road,and as i jumped onto the tank i banged my head on the turret,but saved the kittens. :D:whistling:

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