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Missing collie dog - Falmouth, Cornwall


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Hi all


Bit of a long shot perhaps, but...


Has anyone in the Falmouth area of Cornwall seen this dog? He was stolen / went missing from a front garden in Falmouth on Saturday, and my father is now alone and missing him... He's a collie, about 8 months old and answers to the name Bill. Any help / information would be much appreciated, thanks, and there's definitely a few pints in it for you if you can help get him back.


(This picture was taken about 4 months ago, he's a fair bit bigger now but otherwise the same...)



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Thanks O/U.


Don't really understand why anyone would want to steal him - he's a nice purebred dog (bit mental maybe), but he's not a puppy anymore and any thief wouldn't be able to sell him for much without paperwork, proof of parentage etc. So what's the point? :/

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Not quite sure... Just spoken to the girl who saw the dog - she's not sure it was him (he was thinner and not so white around the face), but still sounds quite likely, especially as he's not been eating much since Saturday... I've passed on the details of where she saw him to my dad, who is off scouring the streets with a dog whistle and a bag of treats!


Fingers crossed again, and thanks to everyone (especially Brett) for their help & support...

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Well, no definite success yet I'm afraid. My dad is trawling the area, but hasn't found Bill yet. However, other people have seen the dog and there's going to be an announcment on Radio Cornwall about him. Hopefully that will help to pin him down again. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it does seem unlikely that there'd be another similar coloured long haired collie loose in the same area at the same time...


Cheers again all.

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Still not found him. My dad's scoured the area for the past couple of days but seen nothing and not heard of any recent sightings. I guess he might have moved on, but hopefully he'll come back to the same area again in time...


Any more reports of sightings would be great... Cheers all.

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Thank you Rimfire, you're a gent and I appreciate the effort. Unfortunately, we don't know where he might be now (or where to look next) until / unless someone sees him again... Apparently lost dogs tend to roam in a vaguely triangular pattern so he might come back to the same area again, but we just don't know... He's also apparently more likely to come out early in the day or after dusk... My dad has searched the Penryn area thoroughly over the past two days including the woody bits where he might have bedded down, the odd corners and garden sheds etc. but nothing. The word is going out on PirateFM and Radio Cornwall again today, and I'm going to go and add him to the doglost website as well. (Was waiting for his ID chip number but we don't have it in Cornwall...)

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