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Broody hens for ducks

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Hi guys,

We have just Dug a pond in the summer and there are ducks nesting there at the moment. We were thinking of taking the eggs and putting them under a broody hen. Two questions though, has anyone had any success doing it? And will the ducks lay more eggs and nest again so if all went well we would have two broods.


Edited by Son of a gun
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It it were me I'd leave them too it and let the mother hatch and rear them naturally. She may even have a second brood anyway although dependant on the weather.


I know there is also a risk with the bad weather were having that she may be unsuccsessful in hatching and a good source of natural food being available to the young is iffy if she does hatch, but thats the risk you take.


By taking away her eggs she would more than likely ****** off and find some place new to re-nest.


If she did manage to hatch them, I'd quietly get some chick crumb down the low level banks to help them get a good start as will need it with this aweful weather.


Just my opinion mind :)

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if you have a broody hen then yeah why not, if shes not sitting on them then take a couple but leave a few and she may well keep laying for some time, you need to set them under your broody at a guess when their no more than say 14 days old, so if she keeps laying you may get a dozen or so, if she is sitting them it's to late.


the pro's will be the ducklings will stick around by the pond so much better than they would if their parents were around, just like release duck would do in comparison to wild duck

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I would agree wth the above, let her get on with it.


U could possibly make it easier for her if u put some barley/feed out for her, and some sheets of tin for shelter later on when ducklings are born.

I'd also put a hopper full of hogh protien chick crumbs out mibee bodge some fencing round it so more like a chick 'creep' feeder so the adults can't get at it but the young chicks can

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She's not sitting on them yet there's six so far. The reason I was thinking of doing it was we have ducks try to nest before but with no success( on the pond next door) we think this is because of a heron. So I thought they would be safer if I reared them. I've got a ,stable to put them in if they hatch where they will be safe from fox and so on.

Anyone know any more about that disease though that doesn't sound very good.

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thought duck eggs need humidity , so im thinking a hen wouldn't hatch them ?

yeah hens will hatch them no worries


She's not sitting on them yet there's six so far. The reason I was thinking of doing it was we have ducks try to nest before but with no success( on the pond next door) we think this is because of a heron. So I thought they would be safer if I reared them. I've got a ,stable to put them in if they hatch where they will be safe from fox and so on.

Anyone know any more about that disease though that doesn't sound very good.

yes most likely, horrible things that they are

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I wouldn't know they can transmit a disease called black head I think ? Correct me if I am wrong

noT through the egg though, if it was to be a concern then wash the eggs in egg wash to ensure the shells are clean and free from bugs

Edited by Paul223
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Is that the things in basc mag, althou they're raised up 3 ft over water, try searching for delta/henhouses or westmoorland wildfowlers assoc


Going to try and make a few shortly for my ponds, possibly to late for that brood atleast if already laid the eggs. They should solve the nest predation problems thou.

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