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Your counter signatory "Must have known you personally for a minimum of 2 years" far more important they know you than their job title.


PS its a certificate (like wot u got for swimmin at skool)


PPS try asking here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/forum/32-general-shooting-matters/

Edited by HDAV
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I'm struggling to find someone to do it!


Who do you know that has known you for 2 years + and isn't a member of your family. (Helps if they are not an anti) forget the lawyer, doctor, bit just someone who is law abiding of good character and has known you PERSONALLY for 2 years minimum (longer the bettter) so someone you worked with for 10 years but left 3 years ago and you still see from time to time are fine.Lcoal publican if you visit a regular, boss/colleague, mate from football kids BFF parents, friend from school......Ex?


PS Cellmates aren't usually the best option


PPS cant be anyone you pay an RFD or serving police officer IIRC



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Is this for an FAC or SGC. I'm assuming the latter as you need 2 for the former.


Who can act as a countersignatory is more restricted for a SGC as they have to fall into a particular class of people (professionals or similar) but can be essentially anyone for an FAC. The problem is that many departments vary the rules without telling anyone. On my last renewal (2010) the guy I used did both. They wouldn't accept him for the SGC but did for the FAC even though they had no problems with him five years previously.



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Could someone from the council sign it! My mates mum is a representive of the village I used to live in do you reckon it would be ok for them to sign it?

Local councillor is ideal, knew you would know someone, be helpful and print out the guidance for her to read when you ask her to sign it and the photo.

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I had the same problem, finding someone the police would accept.

I had previously held both a SGC and Firearms licence but had let them go.

In the end i asked my consultant as i have m.s.

She was actually the best choice as apart from being qualified, the police could not

use my m.s. as an excuse to refuse.

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