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How many pheasants per acre of shoot ?

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Hi guys,


I was just wondering if there is a maximum number of birds per acre of ground?


Can you have to many that they leave because of overcrowding?


We have nearly 300 acres and were thinking of putting down 800 over three pens.


I know habitat etc will be what supports bird numbers but just asking out of curiosity!


Cheers all the best!

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Got 600 acres.


We put duck and partridge down but these are the figures for pheasants.


Put 1500 down first year- not enough.


Put 3000 second year- too many- they wandered.


Put 2500 third year- just about right.


The main factor I believe is obviously holding cover for during the day but the most key thing is is enough roosting for all the birds as although they aren't too picky on roosting trees when poults. When adult they get very picky on roosting sites, especially if the wind picks up etc.



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Will depend massiviley on each shoot, habitat and how ur feeding them, there will be an optimal number for ever shoot. Birds will generally always filter away from areas of high numbers to low numbers that's where a good keeper comes in.


There is guidelines for how many u put in ur pen for releasing if that is wot u were meaning? I think about 1000 to a hec so roughly 500 an acre


We shoot over 1000acres and have put down anything from 100-800 (800 was before my time) birds, depends on the type of sport u want and size of bags. But we're a fairly small shoot that enjoys the craic and dogwork more than the bag

Edited by scotslad
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release pen guidelines are one bird per yard of fence around the pen, one acre =70yds X 70yds = 280 birds per acre

having said that, our main pen is 460 yds circumference, we put 500 birds in it and they are lost.

we have a 300acre wood and put down 700 per year

Edited by malantone
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