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Strange day today

old rooster

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Had a walk round the farm today with the dog, more in an attempt to keep the pigeons moving than anything else as they are mullering what is left of the rape.


Didn't get a shot but it was almost surreal to hear and see skylarks in the air while the dog was romping through 4 foot snow drifts!

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Good thread. I flushed three woodcock on Tuesday evening, saw Fieldfares and heard Skylarks today, still snow on the ground. What odds against a swallow next week? The usual date for the first swallow is 6th April. Will they still come when temperatures are 6 degrees?

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I've never seen so many partridges on this farm as there are now, earlier in the week I was pigeon shooting from a hide and about a dozen kept coming out of the hedge to feed when there was a quiet spell. Only about 50 yards from my hide, they were even walking amongst the decoys at one point.


Poor old lambs are having a hard time of it in this cold, hope they don't lose too many.

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