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Black Pheasant


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Half the birds we put down were pure blacks, they are different from the old style melanistics, even the hens are black. Our game farmer calls them 'obscures' and says they originated from France.


They are very pretty birds. Only problem with them is they are so distinctive that you become aware of just how far pheasants in general wander away from home!


A few accounted for on a final day walk around the previous season.



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They look black, but they will be a bluish colour if you approach them, except if they are female, in which case you do get black instead of blue.


I've seen quite a few of them. Someone in our village used to rear pheasants, including a lot of black/blue ones. I can't remember the details but I think there was a fire and loads of them escaped. I don't see them often, but there are a noticeable number of black pheasants in the area, so it seems that the escaped ones later bred.

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