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Storing Pigeon for Decoys


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Been searching for about 20 mins and could not find anything so Ill pop my question up here.


I am getting more pigeon shooting and always prefer using dead birds where possible. My question is how do you guys all store them, I have a small chest freezer that I can use however the few times I have used this they end up missing chunks of feathers or squashed etc.


Is there any proven way to keep them stored in the freezer to be reused over a few trips? I only shoot one day a week due to work so leaving them out isnt really an option.


Any advice greatly appreciated.



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I just put them in the freezer as is.

You will only get out what you put in so take care in laying them in the freezer nicely and they will come out in good condition .


Some people slide them into sections of womens tights before freezing , this keeps the feathers in place but I have never felt the need.

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I don't really see the need to start with all dead birds, but there you go. When i go with a mate of mine,his frozen decoys have often been in and out of the freezer 6 times. They stink and look quite ropey, but they do the job.

I keep a few pigeons in my pigeon fridge. They will last a good month before starting to get 'past it'.

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