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Best Sci-Fi Villian ???

Will Poon

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So I'm in sunny-ish scotland on a family holiday,

Every evening I'm watching some of my favorite films taken from my movie collections at home mostly sci-Fi , what's your favorite Sci-Fi Villian , here's my top few in best order.

1- The Borg

2- Darth Vader

3- Alien

4- Predator


What's yours ???

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"amok time" kirk vs spock they return to planet vulcan so spock can wet his wick or die trying :)


na na na na na nanana :)

i thought it was called "fonPa" ??? or am i not the trekky i thought i was. also what was the name of the priestess who precided over the fight. now the trekkys will be out. :lol::rolleyes:

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