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Nice little stalk with the HMR


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Went for a mooch about after work to see if i could call some crows in to pass an hour, got plenty interested and diverted them off the flight line but they were all 80 yard high, there not daft :/, decided to bin it and see if i could bag a bunny for tea, as i pulled up to a small wheat field i could see 2 run for cover, got myself comfy layed on top off a wall about 70 yards away and within 5 minutes one came back out and quickly despached, the HMR really is a devastating round at that range, when i turned the rabbit over there was nothing left on the other side, i dont think he suffered.


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Couldn't agree more, christened my newly acquired HMR at the weekend, 1 rabbit at 95 yards and 1 at 137 yards.

My perms mean most of my quarry is 90 yards +, 22LR is quite capable up to this range but 17 hmr is sooo much better up to and above this range and puts their lights out immediateley.

Edited by Good shot?
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