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Ferretting yesterday


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Got out on a mate's lake yesterday, working my ferrets for my mate and his mate to shoot the bolters. I clearly set the rules, and the chaps were safe as houses with their guns :good:


Got to work around the lake- netting would've been impossible, as all the holes were under dense gorse and bramble bushes. We got off to a promising start when my hob bolted a rabbit withing a minute. However it just hopped to the next burrow and disappeared.


We ended up working a burrow at a time, just shunting the rabbits from one to the next. Ended up with 2 from there. Absolutely no doubt that we'd've ended up with a lot more from the lake if it was possible to net all the holes, but it just wasnt an option, sadly.


We then moved into the corner of a field, and managed to set some nets. After about a 20 minute wait, had a sweep round with the detector, and got a mark 3 feet down, a metre from the edge of the main road! Easy digging, luckily, and we pulled out two rabbits.


Next we moved over to a hedgerow that is riddled with burrows, and bolted a few more over about a 45 minute period. The guys shot two, others weren't safe. Couldn't get a mark on my jill, but she appeared with claws full of fur so she'd definitely had an encounter!


We moved over to another field in the village, worked a horse field, bolted two in as many minutes- one manages to get out of the net. Next one was netted well, but both were myxy.


After that it was a few little burrows under some big trees, and some more in a wood. It was pretty much one bolt from every burrow, and all were shot well. Except one which went back underground, but I later pulled one from the hole that it went down after my hob had killed underground again.


We managed 14 all day, including the one myxy, which we buried, so we ended up with 13.


Didn't get any action shots, sadly, but photo of the bag and ferrets below. (not too great as it was dark, my torch was dying, and my camera isn't too good!)



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