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Bi-Pod Advice on CZ 17 HMR


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A bipod with a swivel is nicer than one without. But just to clarify. The swivel does not allow you to pan horizontally. What it does is allow you to keep your gun vertical rather than leaning over on uneven ground.

Without a swivel you may find yourself adjusting the length of the bipod legs in order to keep your horizontal cross hair horizontal.

With a swivel you have a small amount of movement to allow you to rotate the gun on the bipod and keep the cross hairs horizontal.

The panning (left to right swing) is allowed for to some extent by a degree of springiness in the legs, not by a rotating spindle or anything clever.


I have built myself a very stable tripod out of a spare heavy duty photographic tripod with a bench rest mounted on top. Quite a lot of my shooting has to be done fully standing with the gun about 4ft off the ground. This is quite heavy but rock solid and it takes the full weight of the gun so I can let go of it. At night I could not work without it as one of my guns with dedicated night vision is too heavy to hold and I wobble. Prone with a short bipod is my most accurate shooting. Standing using my home-made tripod is a close second.


My friend has done the same with a heavy duty camera tripod, I made a bespoke gun rest for it, it holds the front of the stock and just forward of his trigger guard, the rifle balances perfectly in the rest and when shooting he can pan left and right and up and down with the rest taking all the weight, and he doesnt miss!

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To the op,


Mate just get something half decent that pans and tilts.


No need to spend a fortune on a harris, how well engineered does a support need to be for the front end of a rifle?


It weighs a few pounds not tons.

I half agree with your oppinion,,,,but !!!! i did buy a rock mount thinking the very same, it is now just taking up room in a cupboard somewere, its like resting your rifle on drinking straws compared to the other makes i have. So in reality a waste of money.

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