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Rifle shooting.


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I shoot shotgun for pigeons and foxes and the odd pheasant or woodcock also use an air rifle for use on the occasional rabbit, rat, squirel teaching the kids , plinking on our smallholding.

I've often thought of getting a coterminous licence so that foxes would be easier taken.

I read shooting times and understand there are differences and roughly what all the shorthand means but is there any book worth it's weight that will help point me.

Also before I hold my life up to scrutiny is it worth it or shall I within weeks find myself face downin the middle of a Scottish moor crawling about wishing I was home.

In reality I've never liked the idea of firing something that once unleashed its final resting place could be 1/2 a mile away .

Oh and while I'm typing are rimfire reasonable for anything but rabbits.

Thanks John.

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What amount of land do you have permission to shoot. For Fox you are looking for centre fire rifles. Rimfires will kill foxes, but realistically you probably wouldn't get an FAC conditioned to shoot fox with a rimmy. Probably worth applying for the FAC for a rimfire to get use to it first. ATB

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If you fancy a run out this Sunday there is a Rifle day at Catton Rifle Shoot. It is a good day out and you can use your air rifles on the air rifle targets. There will be plenty of good folk there from PW and I am sure many will be pleased to show you what the rifles can do. There will be targets out from 100-400 yards. Its run by Carl Higginson who is a real nice guy and I'm sure you would enjoy the day. It is just off the M6 Toll so really easy to find. PM me if you want some more details. :)

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