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rearing shed build

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been busy building the shed for the farmers son as he is getting 400 day olds in 2 weeks,for the shoot we go on,just the roof to sort out now, he got all the heat mats etc, its just a thank you from me for lettings me shoot his land, and helping me get my fac, he payed for me last sesson to go on my first phesant shoot 8 days, what a top guy just turned round to me this morning said that I've got another sesson this year pending on somone dropping out,as a thank you for helping out round the farm with the vermin control happy days :)




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Top tip Remember to cut ventilation holes in it. It is surprising how much u need.

Heard off 1 guy couple of season's ago been involved with shooting for years and years, thought he rear day olds and managed to kill 90% first nite, gassed them all, no vents in huts, and i'm talking about thousands of birds


Also while in tipping mode watch the gas, as i'm sure u know can be very dagerous as heavier than air will be trapped in a hut below door level, was a bad accident near to me a few years ago, were very lucky to survive and be ok; been at the game for years and really know there stuff

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Another top tip is to have vents at the rear too so that you can create cross air flow it does help if it is warm when chicks are small. You can keep each vent cracked open so that you get good air flow without letting too much light in to cause feather pecking.

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Hi Paul yeh i done 2 at back at the bottom like the front window sliders,insulation will be going in the walls,its all been made so it can be taken apart for cleaning and storing away when not used cheer

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you'd be better off putting a window on either side of the shed, it means that no matter which way the wind and rain is coming from you can have a window open without disturbing the temp or conditions in the shed too much. if you are using a gas heater there isn’t rally much need for insulation and it can make ventilation an issue if your not careful.



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