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defender spare wheel off the back door


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Hi All


I want to move the spare wheel off the back door of my TD5, 110CSW as the weight of the wheel it is slowly pulling the back door apart.


I have looked in to a bonnet mounting kit, which would be my ideal choice, but it is listed as not suitable for TD5 models.


So my second option is a swing away spare wheel carrier. Can anyone recommend a make or model which will be half decent but not rob me blind :-)


Many thanks.





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Bonnet is made stupidly heavy with tyre on it, also reduces visibility further!


Best place is to mount it on the left side i.e. (WOLF) on the rear door via carrier, inside the back in a wheel arch, on a roll cage if pickup like mine or just on the floor of the rear

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HI All.


Thank you for your replies and good ideas. I did think of installing a well in the rear wheel arch as per my old series 3 LWB pickup.


Dr-Evil. I like your idea best. I am fairly handy with a welder and have a decent amount of steel to hand at the house. If you get a chance to do the dimensions that would be very much appreciated. I can p.m. you my email address if you like.





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Jamie it won't be til at least next weekend as I've got exams this coming week but should be able to sort something out in the near future. If you pm me an email address I will send it you when I'm done


Also got rock slider dimensions for a series 3 swb which are pretty much the same as a 90 on sill length

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store it in the wheel arch inside, there is a plate you can remove and then fit the insert and wheel securing mount...al you need is a drill to drill out the rivets, mastic and insert, and a rivet gun....jobs a gooden

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