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New Land With A Big Bag Of Rewards


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I managed to pick up a new piece of land Friday Evening that no one has ever had the shooting rights on due to the land been part of the private estate, but never gets a shot put over this particular stretch even by the local syndicate . The fields have been turned over and left since last autumn to be natural and attract the crows and pigeons every day.


I got out and set up nice and early on a field that I have seen 100's of crows sitting in every day for weeks. I got the decoys out and placed a couple of birds that I dropped the previous day out with them, not knowing if they would come in or not.


It didn't take long for them to come into the field and the sport began :good: the crows , rooks and pigeons all started to come in and in the space of 2-3 hrs I had 35 corvids and 22 pigeons and big smile on my face. It dropped off as quick as it started so I moved onto another wooded area I managed to pick up and spent the day checking the area out and watching the flight lines ect. I did manage to add to the tally with the final bag been 44 corvids and 31 pigeon :cool1:


To say I'm happy is an understatement, as I've only had limited shooting rights and seem to have dropped right on, as the farmer has another 3 farms full of Maze that he wants shooting later in the season :yes::yes:






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Thanks All


I have been very lucky in getting new permission with some good flight lines and fields full of crops starting to show, it's just a case of keeping her indoors sweet now to build my gun time up :shifty:

on a separate note if anyone wants a Winchester semi super x2 in excellent condition ( near on brand new ) drop me a line it's up for 450 but will accept a reasonable offer as I need the space in my cabinet , the gun has had next to nothing trough it .

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