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First day out with my new A300

Norfolk Ern

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Had a great first day out on a hard hit corner of a rape field with my new A300 Outlander and I have to say it is a cracking gun.

Got off to a good start with 3 kills for 3 shots, then shot like a muppet missing about 5 or 6 straight. After that, I got in my stride and carried on knocking them out of the sky.

I didn't have great expectations for the day as most of the woodies in my area are floating around the hedgerows & trees eating the fresh buds, however 25 woodies, plus one corvid picked was a good result.

Attached a pic of my son Tom with the gun & bag. He enjoyed the day as much as I did. Although we didn't get any sitters that he could ping off with his air rifle, he enjoyed picking the birds and setting them out in the decoy pattern.

It's a pity I didn't notice it sooner, but his cap had flicked up Norman Wisdom style!



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Hi Mace,

I was considering a number of guns as I have always shot a side by side.

Had a gook look around at all makes but for the price and quality, I couldn't really pass up the A300.

I wasn't worried about loads of engraving or bells & whistles, I wanted something that was a good tool.

It is beautifully balanced, low recoil, shoots where you point it and excellent value for money.

I thought I'd try it with the 1/2 choke it is supplied with and I think it is a good choice at the ranges I shoot at whilst decoying.

Only put about 40 shots of 32g cartridges through it so far and it is noticeably smoother already.

So far so good, I'd certainly recommend one.

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Hi aga man,

I think a .410 will suit him soon, but he has just started with an air rifle and I'd like to get him really gun safe before moving onto shotguns. So far he's been very good and careful and has been told he has to prove himself over the coming months leading up to his birthday. His birthday surprise will be some shooting lessons to get him started and we'll progress from there.

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Hi aga man,

I think a .410 will suit him soon, but he has just started with an air rifle and I'd like to get him really gun safe before moving onto shotguns. So far he's been very good and careful and has been told he has to prove himself over the coming months leading up to his birthday. His birthday surprise will be some shooting lessons to get him started and we'll progress from there.

a very level headed approach there mate. makes perfect sense to me.

i hope your lad enjoys his shooting and stays with it. my lad is eleven and has done some shooting with the 410. but he still prefers the air rifle at the moment. it will be interesting to see if my lad stays with shooting through the coming years. i hope he does.

atb aga man.

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a very level headed approach there mate. makes perfect sense to me.

i hope your lad enjoys his shooting and stays with it. my lad is eleven and has done some shooting with the 410. but he still prefers the air rifle at the moment. it will be interesting to see if my lad stays with shooting through the coming years. i hope he does.

atb aga man.

He's pretty keen and always gets somewhat excited as the weekend approaches, so I hope it continues.

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