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went out last night and found. ..


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So... last night I went shooting with my new mossberg and it wasnt being the quietest with normal carts...


As I walked round the bottom of the field I seen three dead rabbits just lying there (rigor mortis had set in)


I thought this was odd. .. there was a full adult, a small kitten and a medium small one too...


I checked them for visible wounds and other than the medium one having a battered face, the only signs where a few blood spots round the kneck...


Would this of been little foxy?

Edited by lap9387
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If anybody else shoots on your land, they might have been shot with an air rifle or shotgun. I've shotgunned rabbits and until I skinned them, there was literally no sign of injury other than suddenly being dead obviously. :) Still wouldn't explain why they were left there though.

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