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first 223 reloads went well

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well tried my first reloads for my 223 today and was impressed with there accuracy had few people say I could of chose better powder but knocked up a few anyways setteled on a 25.3 grain load of reloader 15 and a hornday bt 55 grain bullet zerod scope with hornday factory loads and then fired 3 reloads shots at 100 yards. which grouped well.


walked to the motor and

saw a crow on a bankside in field ranged it at 221 yards give it 3" holdover and 1 dead crow so there good at range too



Edited by remmy1100
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That's a nice group and a very dead bird. Looks like you are hooked!!


Regarding powders and burn rates it is all about what is acceptable and what is possible. If you shoot a bunch off the bench you soon become disenchanted with groups that are perfectly capable at most ranges and after a couple of bughole groups you become snobbish about powders and bullet combinations.

What you have will work fine for the range at which that bullet is useful.

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