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Getting into shooting competitions.

Old Bull

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Im 14 and I want to have a go at shooting in a competition but don't know where to begin, I'm not a member of a club as I mainly shoot pigeons but occasionally do a few clays on the farm. I'm a fairly decent shot and have had a few lessons a park lodge shooting school.


Another thing is do I need to be a member of CPSA or can I shoot under BASC

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Join the CPSA,Enter afew registered shoots and you will after a couple of shoots get a classification.. When you join the CPSA you will get a Pull Magazine and at the back it will list hundreds of competions in date order. Don't be shy, jump in with both feet. If you are a little apprehensive go to one of the listed shoots and watch, it cost nothing and will get you used to competion etiqutte. That way you wont feel a dummy if you do something silly.We all start somewhere and you have made a very good start by getting some lessons. Most of all ENJOY your shooting. from Auntie.

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Join the CPSA,Enter afew registered shoots and you will after a couple of shoots get a classification.. When you join the CPSA you will get a Pull Magazine and at the back it will list hundreds of competions in date order. Don't be shy, jump in with both feet. If you are a little apprehensive go to one of the listed shoots and watch, it cost nothing and will get you used to competion etiqutte. That way you wont feel a dummy if you do something silly.We all start somewhere and you have made a very good start by getting some lessons. Most of all ENJOY your shooting. from Auntie.

:good: That's very good advice from Auntie, If you do have someone to go with then great, if not have a chat with people before the start and ask if you could tag along with their group. We are a friendly bunch, and you will learn a hell of a lot. Just don't worry about competing against other people in your group as you will probably find that a lot of shooters have been shooting a lot longer than you have. As Auntie said Enjoy it.

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as a 14 year old you will be shooting colt class unfortunately most ground don't operate a discount system for juniors or colts (junior myself) so it will still be around 30 quid plus cartridges and travel. competition shooting, in my opinion, needs more juniors and unless they don't offer a discount they won't get any junior.

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