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Prob posting

Lord Geordie

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Can someone shed some light on WHY i post an article then when i refresh the post is there at the top of the page and when i pop off to another site and return my reply is GONE :stupid:


It's been happening yesterday AND today?


I just replied to a post checked it went on and when i returned to the post 20 mins later the post i made was gone :good:


Can someone explain what the heck is going on :stupid:



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Next time you post take a note of the link to the post. On the top right of the post, there is a little "post #1" or whatever number post it is. Right click and say "copy link location". Open notepad and paste that link in there, then when you see this odd behaviour post the link into this topic and we can see what's happening.

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They were just GONE :stupid:


Np coming back later the post WAS there and listed as so on the main page but after about 10 mins it was gone again


I think the prob MAY lye with Zone Alarm security i have on the comp but it seems weird to allow the post to go on the site then for it to vanish?





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Just for info, Zone Alarm is also completely useless. Imagine having a massive wrought iron gate with spikes on top, 3 huge locking bolts with the most expensive padlocks you can buy securing it.


Then imagine it all locked up, but no hinges attached on the other side so people can walk in anyway :stupid:


That software has caused more problems than it will ever solve, seems to be getting better since they were acquired by checkpoint, but then again checkpoint are all ex-mossad information officers :stupid:

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