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Circuit judge rifle


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Hmmmmm. The arrogance is also coming from you brother.

It sounds like you need another job mate...you seem to of lost your spirit. Most on here do shoot for fun and I bets you can still just about remember it being fun too so take a chill pill and stop getting all your panties in a tangle.


I dont believe for one minute you would not enjoy a plinking session with a circuit judge. I would :-).




I never said that, read my posts, ...so why didn't he say MOST or I, and not ALL, the only arrogance here is someone who has the front to suggest they speak for ALL shooters!


"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot".......... that is arrogant, what gives him the authority to speak for ALL shooter?!


why didn't he write..............


"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns "I" buy to shoot"..........

nothing wrong with that!

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Either I didn't make it clear or you are simply missing the point...FUN...myself, Pest controllers, Gamekeepers, Guides, Zoo workers, Vets, Hunts, etc do NOT buy guns for fun, they are tools and people use them professionally. Some DO NOT enjoy it, and the last thing they actually want to do after all else fails is shoot something, but sometimes it has to be done.


We don't buy Fun play things, we buy what we need!


Comments like.... "And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot".......... are misguided and false!


It's a big world out there........



Dekers, when you don't like your job, it's time for a career change. IMHO. :sad1::whistling:

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Well sorry for comming across arrogant was not trying and was not trying to speak for everybody was just a sweeping statement. Sorry if I caused offence to you people who get paid to do your job like I get paid to cook for my customers till midnite from 7am then have to do my shopping walking around tescos with a face on cuz you have to work unsocial hours and do paper work welcome to the real world mate and as underdog said the arrogance is coming from you,this started of as a post showing a different new gun and turned into a debate on work ethics and paper work and how you like to do your shopping at 2am, tell me do you get many bargains at that time?

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Oh mate.....you joined in on this topic. You were not dragged in here!

And breathe in......now breathe out ahhhhhr.




Oh mate.....you joined in on this topic. You were not dragged in here!

And breathe in......now breathe out ahhhhhr.



PS...you are right, I get more than a little ****** off when someone who doesn't even know me, has the cheek to suggest they speak for ME and ALL shooters!

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Well sorry for comming across arrogant was not trying and was not trying to speak for everybody was just a sweeping statement. Sorry if I caused offence to you people who get paid to do your job like I get paid to cook for my customers till midnite from 7am then have to do my shopping walking around tescos with a face on cuz you have to work unsocial hours and do paper work welcome to the real world mate and as underdog said the arrogance is coming from you,this started of as a post showing a different new gun and turned into a debate on work ethics and paper work and how you like to do your shopping at 2am, tell me do you get many bargains at that time?



What is your problem, this turned into someone questioning your all encompassing, ill considered arrogant comment, and you still obviously don't get it.


Make light of it as much as you like, but keep your comments about yourself and kindly do not speak for me!



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"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all except for Dekers because it's a job to him and maybe some others but to 99.9% of us it's fun buy to shoot"


That's better! :yes:


Yes it is, but its still inaccurate! At least it acknowledges there are other opinions/situations. :good:



so what then Dekers what do think about the circuit judge (funny name)?




If you want to take water melons apart it could be fun, for personal defence as mentioned in the video... :hmm::hmm::good:

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It's very simple, some of us have a mind of their own, have serious work to do, and don't intend to get caught up in comments like this...............


"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot"..........


Speak for yourself, do not rope me and many others into your comments, and do not attempt to talk for me, or many others.


Do you really think when I'm called to shoot an injured deer at the roadside etc I'm thinking...Oh what fun!

jesus dekers,you seem to be doing a lot of posting for someone that doesn't intend to get caught up in comments like this (your words not mine) so why bother posting?

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