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Setting up in the middle....


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The rape field has been well hit and the farmer has ploughed a trench into the rape to remove poppies weeds and ****. The pigeons are there regularly but will skitter away easily but do return. Now the rape is quite high so should I set-up in the trench where the pigeons are with my hide next to the wall of the trench - nice and low and try and bag them when they fly in? Do I set this up the day before or just that morning?


All comments welcome.... :-)

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Set up on the edge of the trench as low as you can , back to the sun or put a brolly on its edge as a roof. That's assuming that the birds are flighting over the trench. Try some angels ( landing birds)at the front of your pattern.

Small cope on edge of field - private and can not touch. Copse edges onto field but this is bare where we had so much damp last year the seed rotted and this is now ploughed up to the edge of the rape some 100m. Flight path is from copse straight over to rape and no way of setting up between the two..... the trench is narrow at first and then opens up so I can either set-up at the mouth of the trench with decoys in trench feeding or at back of trench or to the side..... Always been under a pylon on in a hedge....

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