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mixed bag saturday,,

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Started about 9 thinking we needed to be up high to try find some wind,, first farm had a few birds but not enough flighting so on to the next... this one had alot of crow and a few pigeons so we set up and put out 6 crow shell out to see what would pull of the flightline a feild away,, picked 7 crows and 2 ferals and a passing woodie at 12,, we tryed the magnet and flapper but nothing really worked so diceided to change feild and try get some pigeon,, got to a feild of failed rape and a few wild flowers and about 150 lifted off, at this point the bbq came out and we had some burgers and watched to see if they returned.. and sure enough they did....

Now were stuffed and we wanted to shot some birds we set up in the shade 30 yards from some wires and the birds for the first couple of hours where coming from behind and dropping on the magnet,,we got about 20 or so and then the birds where coming bak down the lines the other way and the magent was scaring them so remove it and the birds started flighting straight over us for an hour,,, finished about 8 with 47 picked..... some great shooting by us both some great food for both of us... no better saturday than that

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