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Nv Scopes


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Having saved up me pennies, I placed an order for the above with NV scopes on Monday. I am only looking for a delivery date but have left 3 phone messages and sent one mail asking for an expected date but not heard anything back yet.


Has anyone else had a similar experience, does Clive get on here at all? :)


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Grandalf is this the wrong time to suggest a NM800 :whistling:

Only went for the N1000 because my mate Pavman has one, no two because he lost one then found it again, and it works well.

So it is probably a bit late to suggest it now. I was drawn both ways at once and decided on the one I had seen working.

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Only went for the N1000 because my mate Pavman has one, no two because he lost one then found it again, and it works well.

So it is probably a bit late to suggest it now. I was drawn both ways at once and decided on the one I had seen working.



you wouldn't believe the difference, depending what you use it with mine is with an archer and it is massively better than the firefly laser. If you get messed about much with the delivery its worth cancelling. I've yet to meet anyone disappointed in one

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Started on unit yesterday.

Findings so far.


Tikka T3 22/250. Hawke Var/56 Sindwinder scope. N1000 Illuminator. Ward-D-Vision add on.

Requirement is for solo fox lamping system.


Problem. When fitting D-Vision behind scope in normal vertical position I can't operate bolt of rifle! My scope rings are low fits.

High fits would probably solve problem

My solution. Fit D-Vision at 45 degree angle. Picture through viewer is not affected. Bolt works perfectly OK.


Problem. DSA built into D-Vision not long enough to bridge diopter adjustment on my scope. It clamps onto the locking ring. DSA needs to be longer.

My solution. Adjusted D-Vision only as per their instructions - very fiddly but straight forward. Then I adjusted scope diopter holding D-Vision behind scope. Not easy as you need about six hands!

Clamped DSA of D-Vision onto scope rings. This means no further fine tuning is possible WITH MY TYPE OF SCOPE.


Problem. N1000 Illuminator comes with scope clamps and one insert. Not large enough for my scope.

My solution. Enough length on fixing screws to fit it but it doesn't look very professional with a gap between the two halves of the clamp.


Fitted illuminator to scope mount. One fixing screw. No problem.


After dark - Switched on both units and peered through scope with great anticipation - Nothing but a white screen!

Lots of fiddling and bad language with rifle propped on top of back fence so I could look out across field. Discovered that because DSA unit clamps onto my scopes locking ring it is not rigid and had moved out of alignment.

Realigned and tried again. Got a picture!

Really fine adjustments of magnification, parallax and beam on illuminator needed to get a good picture.

Ran out of time - it doesn't get dark untill late and I had to be up early this morning.

There were two hares laying down about 175 yards out. They could have been dead hares if I was so inclined.

Will play with it some more tomorrow.

Mate with elaborate workshop and the required skills is making me up an adaptor DSA to bridge the locking rings of scope to allow fine adjustments. This will also hold the unit rigid.

First impressions - Relatively cheap for NV unit. Very 'fiddly' to set up. Workable when I get it sorted.

The Mk2 should be better - if they produce a Mk2.

Will update after another go.

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Hold on chaps - I'm not a research unit for PW!

No good PM'ing me for write-ups and video's.

I'll let you know how I get on as and when I get on.

I'm a 74 year old part-time keeper who is very busy at the moment.

Hopefully I will be out with it for real later this week - when I've got the wrinkles sorted out.

I'm also hoping for a 200 yard working range...

We'll see...

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Here we go then.

Same set up. Tikka T3, Hawke Sindwinder, Ward-D-Vision, N1000 illuminator.

Dark night before moonrise.

Went out about an hour before dark. Set myself up on a track so that I could judge distances as it got dark. Paced it out and put some markers on the side of the track. Back to truck to set up my normal Bresser monocular that I use in conjunction with an IR filtered Cluson Blazer light mounted on an old camera attachment on the side of the truck for spotting.

Then set up the Ward-D-Vision and discovered I had left a shim insert at home. This fits the DSA to the scope. Drove back home to find it had dropped out of the box and was on the livingroom floor. Back to farm by which time it was nearly dark!

Set everything up and tried the gizmo.

In nearly dark conditions you must use the IR illuminator to see anything.

Played with settings - parallax, magnification, illuminator beam to get best picture.

It is fiddley and you must expect to have to do some experimentation. Small changes produce large differences in picture quality.

Settled on IR beam that was just larger than the area I could see with scope - magnification at 11 - parallax needs fine adjustment with any change in range - then got a usable picture.

Luckily a fox entered the end of the track at 185 measured yards. Saw it first through the Bresser. It was walking down the track towards me. Shot it at 128 yards - clean heart shot from dead ahead.

Findings. I think it will be OK to 200 yards for recognition and shooting. It will take practice to get it to operate to the standard I require. Difficult to judge distances in open ground.

Major problem in operation. The screen is very bright. When your night adjusted eye first looks through the unit it is overwhelmed by the glare and it takes a few seconds for your iris to adjust to the extra light so at first you see very little. Then the picture becomes clearer. This will make it difficult for quick shots. When you stop looking through the unit you get the reverse problem and can't see anything with your right eye for a few seconds. I developed a routine of using my left eye for the Bresser spotting unit then the right eye for the Ward-D-Vision gizmo. This seemed to work.

A few hares trotted up and down the track and I was able to track them to 200 yards OK.

Tactical use will be better judged when harvesting starts and I have a bit more room in the open fields.

Tonight I am calling in on the mate who thinks he can help with the DSA length problems mentioned earlier.

Overall I am pleased with the unit considering the cost and think I can make it better yet.

One charlie down too...

Will let you know how I get on.

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I would imagine the better the scope the better the picture but I can only report what happens to my kit.

My scope was purchased second hand for £180 from a PW member.

My mate has made me up an aluminium collar to overcome my fitting problems. The unit now sits firmly on my scope.

More later in the week when I have had another go.

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Mate with lathe and knowledge produced an aluminium tube of two internal diameters.

Smallest to fit scope tube and largest to fit diopter adjusters which sit proud of the tube.

Two thou larger than actual diameters.

Slotted tube throughout its length.

Eased it over diopters onto tube. It will now stay on there for ever.

When fitting gizmo only need to slide tube to rear and fit gizmo on tube and clamp as normal.

Gismo clamp holds them both in place.

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Hi gents. I'm relatively new to this site but I empathise with your plight. I suffered a year of no replys when trying to get my old HTH repaired. By chance I was in Dauntsey Guns and noticed Clinton had the updated version on his set up. To cut a long story short they are now the suppliers for Electrooptics goods now and got my scope up and running. They would, I'm sure, be happy to answer your questions.

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Ah, I almost forgot, to get the gizmo working at 100% you will obviously be needing some

Red Suffolk Binder Twine - a must have for all night shooters.

I have some for sale at very reasonable prices.

In my opinion only the Suffolk Red produces the clearest pictures.

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The beard has been there for many a long year - my Granddaughters suggested the name when the film first was released.

Real name is Ben - Uncle Ben to some.

Went out again last night. Unit is very 'glairy' over rape stubble. As to be expected - it's the same when lamping. Found that on a close view high magnification was clearer - less reflected light in field of view I presume. At distance about 10 or 11 mag was best.

Charlie did not put in an appearance - only hares to practice gizmo on.

Lovely night here - clear starlight with the Milky Way streaming across the heavens. Thunder storms off in the distance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update for those interested parties who PM'd me.

Ward-D-Vision/N1000 illuminator/Sidewinder Var/56 scope.

Now had seven charlies and a few bunnies with my 22/250.

Farthest so far 151, measured, yards. All clean kills.

No problem out to 200 yards after you have had some practice with the gizmo.

It does take a little while to get used to it and get it set up right.

A little 'glary' on stubble. I think the variable illuminator might be better or maybe the Nightmaster.

The on/off switch is easily on'd when the gizmo is packed up.

The adjustment is very fiddly but you only do it once.

The cable on my charger is only about one foot long.

I had to get my mate to make up a DSA, see above, and that is a major fault.

Not much good in low light without the illuminator.


Overall I am pleased with the thing.

The charlies are not!

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