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Anyone use H110, 40gr vmax in hornet what loads do you use?

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Think the title pretty much says it all. I'm getting some h110 and 40gr vmax heads to start loading for my hornet, I've tried some loads a friend made using 12.3gr of h110 and 40gr vmax and got thumbnail groups at 100yrds. I'm interested what others are loading in this combo, I'll be using ppu brass if that makes any difference.


Atb Gary

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Think the title pretty much says it all. I'm getting some h110 and 40gr vmax heads to start loading for my hornet, I've tried some loads a friend made using 12.3gr of h110 and 40gr vmax and got thumbnail groups at 100yrds. I'm interested what others are loading in this combo, I'll be using ppu brass if that makes any difference.


Atb Gary

You could start by having look at the Hornady Reloading Data Center and looking at the max H110 charge for 40gns. Lee says 11 and Nosler 11.5.

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I might have got that wrong then Phil we did try various powders, loads and heads so its probably me. It might have been 12.3 of lilgun and 35gr vmax.


Either way I'm curious what people are loading with this combo, I'll be using ppu brass and Rem 7 1/2 BR primers too if makes any odds.



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I might have got that wrong then Phil we did try various powders, loads and heads so its probably me. It might have been 12.3 of lilgun and 35gr vmax.


Either way I'm curious what people are loading with this combo, I'll be using ppu brass and Rem 7 1/2 BR primers too if makes any odds.



Gary have a look at this for inspiration.




If its a light weight bullet under 40 grains the a faster powder like h110 win 296

For medium 40/45 grain a slower powder lol gun reloader 7 aa 1680 300mp


Mag or br primers shouldn't be needed really just standard small rifle or small pistol but being carful not to get them too hot then upping may be advisable.

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We use 13 grains of Hodgdon LIlgun powder with remington 71/2 br primers . and 40gr Vmax and remington brass with zero of 150 yards and will shoot groups the size of a One pence at that distance....rem

Thanks for that, I'll be happy with 1" at 100yrds nevermind a 1p size, Nice shooting! How come you zero at 150 out of curiosity?



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Gary have a look at this for inspiration.




If its a light weight bullet under 40 grains the a faster powder like h110 win 296

For medium 40/45 grain a slower powder lol gun reloader 7 aa 1680 300mp


Mag or br primers shouldn't be needed really just standard small rifle or small pistol but being carful not to get them too hot then upping may be advisable.

Hi Karl,

I'm getting it all at a good price so I'll see how I get on, if it doesn't work I'll look for lilgun and cci 550 primers and try them but hopefully I'll find something what suits my gun using this combo. Eventually I'm going to go to sierra 45gr sp but again will see how the vmax go.


I've got some other brass I can play with instead of the ppu hopefully that won't be needed but I've got 60 once fired rws and 100 once fired Winchester all shot in my rifle.



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Thanks for that, I'll be happy with 1" at 100yrds nevermind a 1p size, Nice shooting! How come you zero at 150 out of curiosity?



hi buddy me and 204 rem use the same load.zero at 150 gives you 1" high at 100 yrd and 2.5" low at 200 yrd makes those longer shots a little simpler

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I shouldn't put some of these H110 charges through my gun! H110 generates significantly higher pressures than LilGun at best brass life will be short.

the data I have from hogdens suggests around 11.2 as the maximum using H110 (for a different 40 grn bullet) with 41,800 CUP and 13.0 of LIlGun for 28'400 CUP . That's a heck of a pressure difference, even at 10 grns (their recommended start load) H110 is predicted to generate 32,400 - YES that's MORE than the pressure created by 13 grns of LilGun.

The 40 grn v-max will furthermore contact the rifling if care to avoid this is not taken - this will make pressure rise further, so take care and start small working up in no more than 0.2 grn at a batch

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