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Help Needed !!!!


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Not sure if anyone can help, but here goes....

I'm left handed, and can't hold the gun right handed, it feel so so strange !!, but I'm right eye dominant and shoot by following the clay both eyes open and then just before pulling trigger close my right eye for the kill or not !!!!!! I do actually hit a few !!

The question is, should I look at buying a left hand cast gun or straight or right hand cast gun ?

thank you in anticipation of your answers




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Hi Steve,

How long have you been shooting?

Normally, when my clients come to me 'early' in their shooting careers and they are 100% opposite eye dominant, I get them shooting to their 'eye' (opposite hand). I l know it feels really strange early doors, but believe me, you will soon be able to switch!

One of our top Juniors (Helice World Champ) is right handed but shoots left as is opp eye dominant!


Now, if you ABSOLUTELY, cannot persevere and wish to shoot left handed, you can teach yourself to close the right eye, but you must get your timing right.

Also, do you shoot gun up or down? That will have an effect too.


Last things to help alleviate cross eye dominance are the EasyHit bead and Shotspot.


Call me or see my website for info - www.frockstockandbarrel.co.uk


All the best


Tracy Meston

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Thanks for the response, I'm getting mixed messages to guys I have spoken to say that since I'm a lefty but right eye dominant I don't neccessarily need to have a left hand gun, I have only been shooting a little but I am a proper lefty and would prefer not to try right handed, at the last shoot I went to I did hit more than I missed !!!!!





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OK, in that case you'll stick to shooting left handed but if you can get one, a left handed (cast on) shotgun is preferable, or one with a very straight (no cast) stock which is quite rare.


Please don't shoot a right handed (cast off) shotgun, it will point in the wrong direction!


Before you make a decision, see if you can take it for a test-drive!


All the best



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I am right handed and right eye dominant but after years of shooting rifles where I close my left eye while using a scope the left eye has started to becoming dominant - I shoot right handed with both eyes wide open and then just as I come to the point where I pull the trigger I close my left eye and it works a treat - i know when I forget to close the eye as I tend to go left and low...... I have heard of sticking red dots on the left lens as the brain blocks out the red and blurred dot.... Seen a lot of people using this at clay shoots but when out game shooting it annoys the heck out of me.


Good luck but for real advice book a lessons with a local trainer.

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