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Broohills First Shots Day


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Like most people without a SGC I'm trying to get shooting in as often and as cheaply as possible. I booked for a mate and me to try out Broomhills First Shots day on Saturday. It started at 9.30 with 45 mins of safety, looking at all the different guns etc then went out and shot some clays, singles at first moving on to pairs. a good lunch was included and finally would up at about 3pm. We must have shot about 150 clays each and learned a lot. It was £85 per head inc carts, clays and lunch plus loads of money off if we decide to join the club (which I will as I only live 10 mins away). We were lucky because the third person didn't show up so more shooting for us. All in, a good day and worth trying compared to £60 odd for an hours lesson elsewhere.


Oh, and I've got my FLO visit next week :unsure:

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We must have shot about 150 clays each and learned a lot. It was £85 per head inc carts, clays and lunch plus loads of money off if we decide to join the club.


Oh, and I've got my FLO visit next week :unsure:


That's a nice price, the place I went was £116 for two of us, hour and a half, 125 carts and clays.

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If you can be bothered to travel to Enfield in North London you can have 50 shells, 50 clays and use of a gun with a bloke taking you round for £25. About the best price I know about.


Where's that Pin? I doubt Broomhills will let me keep going back for the £85 day (although technically I'm a beginner as I still can't hit them very well). I can't see how they made money on it when there was just 2 of us. It's going to be very rare that I can ever spare more than an hour or two at a time to shoot anyway.

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www.clayshoot.org / http://www.rectoryfarmclayshoot.co.uk/ (old and new sites for the same place)


Just off the ridgeway in Enfield, not far from crews hill.


Nice enough little ground, only opens Wednesdays and Sundays (and most holidays) which is the only downside. Well, that and the sarcasm and Essex whit of the bloke that owns it :unsure:

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