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Getting Charlie in close....


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After shooting 53 pigeons on a farmers barley stubble, he mentioned he had seen a litter of big fox cubs the other night and could we deal with them. I went out alone with my newly purchased Urika II Beretta with full choke and 36gm BBs. I saw lots of rabbits and also badgers digging for worms that didn't bat an eyelid to me walking right up to them. Scanning and squeaking where the farmer had seen the foxes produced nothing so I went to the other end of the farm near some gorse which I thought looked like good fox territory. After five minutes of mouth squeaking I heard something crash through the hedge and a pair of eyes came trotting towards me. Lining up the lamp and shotgun, I let it get to 20 yards then put on full beam to 100% identify the eyes, and yes it was a fox. Single shot dropped it stone dead, one big vixen cub. I then drove to the stubble field and shone the light to see five pairs of eyes!!! Thinking it must be roe deer I watched them for a bit then realised they were foxes!! I started calling again and saw one kept yapping. That was the vixen calling her cubs back. I concentrated on the yapping one and after 15 mins she came to 35 yards. Bingo. First shot spun her like a top and I quickly fired again to make sure. One big and very smelly vixen. Ill be after the cubs soon. One happy farmer and I can tell you, nothing gets the heart pumping then foxing with a shotgun



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