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Registry problems


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I am experiencing problems opening msn. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes for it to open :unsure: After checking every site I can I keep getting the same info, mutiple registry problems. My kids have made a number of system restores and I think ths may have a bearing on the issue.


I have already pm'd pin but would like to hear from everyone especially if it's happened to them.



Cheers chaps :)






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hi LB.

last week mate it cost me £45 to find out my mouse was knacked. take your PC to the shop and pay them the required sum.

it may not solve your problems , but it will make me feel better. :unsure:


Naff off Mark, I am still laughing at your misfortune and don't intend to repay you with mine :lol:


£45 *****




LB :)

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hi LB.

last week mate it cost me £45 to find out my mouse was knacked. take your PC to the shop and pay them the required sum.

it may not solve your problems , but it will make me feel better. :unsure:


Naff off Mark, I am still laughing at your misfortune and don't intend to repay you with mine :oops:


£45 *****




LB :lol:

you know when you are stood on them cliffs.......................... :)

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Sorry LB :unsure:


All a "factory Restore" means is to remove absolutely everything from the hardrive apart from the operating system - it will be back to how it came when you bought it more or less. Its pretty easy to do, involving either inserting 3 discs that would have come with the computer when you bought it, or selecting an option when the system is running through the bios (the black screen and white writing when you first turn it on)


DONT take it to PC world!

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If you want to clean up the registry on your PC then the best "free" product is AMUST registry clearner http://www.amustsoft.com/RegistryCleaner/ the beauty is that it is a fully functional trial version, you can install it, use it then uninstall it.


You can scan the registry then "fix" any errors.


Worked for me....

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Messing with the registry of your PC is the quickest way to make your system inoperative. One little cock up can make your PC useless. It is generally advised that you dont mess with the registry unless you know exactly what you are doing and even then only after backing up the registry.


Msn can be **** quite often and has suffered from bugs in the last 6 months. It is unlikely to be anything to do with the registry unless the registry has been tampered with.


It is far more likely to be 'malware, spyware' etc typical signs of this are performance issues with your PC especially with things slowing down.


If you feel you really must mess with the registry, download Ccleaner it has a registry scanner and anything you wish to delete it will back up. That way any deletions that cause a problem can be easily restored.


My advice would be to scan your system with at least 2 anti spyware/malware programs, more if you have them. No one program will find all the bugs.


I recently got billed for $51 dollars by a non existant American company after a 'trojan' in my PC gave away my C card details to a third party.


There are several excellent free security programs you can download. Examples are 'Spybot search and destroy, Adaware SE and superantispyware. The latter is very good. If you dont mind spending 20 quid then download 'Spyware Doctor' from PcTools. It is fantastic, probably the best available at the mo.


I am now very carefull and use 7 different programs, which sounds over the top but sometimes I can scan with 6 and find nothing and the 7th will turn up alsorts or they will all find different things.


Just to make it clear I am not a geek ! I've just accrued a lot experience the last few months the hard way !

:unsure: :)



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hi LB.

last week mate it cost me £45 to find out my mouse was knacked. take your PC to the shop and pay them the required sum.

it may not solve your problems , but it will make me feel better. :unsure:


Naff off Mark, I am still laughing at your misfortune and don't intend to repay you with mine :oops:


£45 *****




LB :lol:

you know when you are stood on them cliffs.......................... :)



I certainly do Mark and will be wearing waterproofs so do your worse :sly:





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I use spyware doctor, registry mechanic and have mcfee installed. These programs or the ones you have all listed will not sort out multiple msn registry. In fact they make matters worse so when I have start up a lot of MSN files are damaged.


Yes I have tried just about all of whats on offer. MSN advised wiping the system and re-instaling too ;)


Comp works fine with BT Yahoo explorer its just MSN thats cack/


J@mes, the comp came fully loaded from Dell with no discs about 3 years ago.





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If there are no recovery disks then the restore programme will be stored in a partition on the hardrive and needs to be accessed through the bios. this involves restarting your computer and hitting one of the F keys (cant remember which one though) to get into the system setup menu and then following the instructions.


it really is the only proper way to do it. Things that are deleted from the hardrive using downloaded programmes are rarely ever properly deleted.

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Um, not really J@mes ...


Not exactly straight forward, but this might work. I am assuming that the reported multiple registry entry scenario is the actual problem :-


MSN Messanger hides itself from Add/Remove programs in Control Panel


1) Start->Run and type "cmd" into the box, press enter


2) Type "notepad c:\windows\inf\sysoc.inf", press enter


3) Find the line that says "msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7"


4) Change it to "msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7" (delete the word "hide" leaving the comma)


Close notepad answering yes to save the file, then go Start->Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs. Find MSN messanger in the list of "Windows Components" (it will now be shown) and uninstall it.


Reboot, then when confirmed that it isn't there, follow this very here link to download and install the latest version.


Let me know how you get on. If this doesn't sort it, it might be a bit of a manual clean up required which is messy. Although it pains me to say it, it might be quicker to save all the info you need off the machine and rebuild it. Dell will supply recovery CD media for a small charge.


Some people still think you need to reinstall windows as soon as you see the slightest problem, not usually the case. However unpicking Microsoft components so closely tied in with the OS is not the most pleasant of experiences. Kind of like trying to take the head off a hemi v8 with a socket set made of chocolate.


Just to set some of the other things said straight.. Windows automatically keeps registry backups for you every time windows starts up correctly, whenever a restore point is set etc. If one of these registry cleaners (SHUDDER) does something daft all is not lost, it is trivial to recover XP from a corrupt registry.

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Check this out then Pin. I done start, run, enter and got a black box withy one line of text and it was this.


c:\documents and settings\ my name here>


I am pretty sure there are some lines missing :lol:


I also typed the "notepad" line and got this back.


The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.



LB ;)

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