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Lamp Shy Fox...

The Essex Hunter

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We all miss foxes it is just part of shooting, a friend remounted his Ziess after it was returned from a repair last week. After dialling it in (a bit quick I recon) we went out and he missed what would be a normal shot.

Then he missed a second and the rot set in with lots of muttering about the scope was not fixed right etc….

I have shot it and it is fine but just like the pigeons some time you just try too hard.

So this one which has been shot at was bit hot too trot and last night was no exception.

It waited until we came to a stop on the track then took off at a steady pace heading to cover.

Changing the plan made the difference as I had a good idea where it was going, so we tracked it with the little red lamp while young Jack took the filter off the LF 240.

Foxes like a last look so banking on this I gambled on the spot to shoot, this was fading as it was getting further away with every step.

A couple of shouts just as it closed on the cover…true to form it stopped and was side on….I thought I had missed it as it was a small fox in tall rape stubble with just half of its back showing.

But the other 2 said they heard the thump…! Young Jack said I will come with you as we need to pace this one lol…

280 on the money and in the shoulder…




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