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No toxics

Ash it's em

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Game bore have a 3" Super Silver Steel but it is only 32grm as I have said in my posting about steel and fibre cups I have been in contact with Gamebore asking the question about other steel loads with fire cups but dont seem to be getting anywhere with them.

I would have thought if you can do one load you could do others and this must be the way forward so we dont leave big plastic wads everywhere and the big comercial shoots would not have any arguments about not useing lead on ducks.

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Dose anyone know of some 3 1/2 inch non toxics with a bio wad or fibre thanks

The issue is steel and other hard type non toxic put massive amounts of pressure on the wad, even plastic wads need tougher than usual engineering to protect the barrel from scoring. The max working pressure of a 3 1/2" super mag 12ga is way over that of a ten bore, so don't hold your breath waiting for one to show up. Your best route might be to look for a soft non-toxic in a 3", don't dismiss the 3" shell especially if you find one in Bismouth etc., it will kill geese being effectively a lead substitute on shot size and retained energy at slower than steel speeds / pressures. There is totally no need for a 3 1/2" steel load for ducks, 3" steel with photo plas wad is already available.

Bizarre, hexagonal shot ???

Just don't use the stuff with an after market " Wad stripper" type choke! Pesonally I am giving it a very wide bearth

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If you watch the blind side video on YouTube is quite impressive may I add


I imagine its like most promotional stuff, avoiding including the wounded and the missed :rolleyes: Its like the car adverts I suppose, you never see the drivers getting out with back ache or cursing when they cannot get their head round the over complicated music system etc.

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