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shot herself in the foot

la bala

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The amount of ignorance shown by many posters on both the BBC and Sky News websites is incredible. They do not read half the facts and question why we follow EU rules about banning vaccines when it clearly states that if we vaccinate cattle, due to the way the vaccine works, there is no way of telling via testing, which are vaccinated and which are infected.

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they were on sky yesturday allegdley the badgers will scream like a dying woman when shot and crawl off wounded to die all alone .trouble is the public believe this load of tripe.not the fact that theyl be humanely despatched pdq and not be left screaming the woods down.the publicity rent a crowd are getting beggars belief .where is the balenced interview with farmers losing all their cattle to this killer tb.carried by wild dogs cos thats all they are.show ms animal rights a badger ripping a hedgehog to pieces and see her argue thats ok or a hen house where the badgers slaughtered all the chucks .dont seem to bother them all that much does it

Edited by clakk
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Even those sections of the media which support the cull don't always get their facts straight. The Daily Telegraph, which has printed several editorials in support, keeps talking about farmers shooting badgers with shotguns. Why can it not be explained to the public that badgers will not be shot with shotguns but with rifles (minimum .222 I should imagine) that will kill them instantly. The antis also get away with the utter rubbish (again uncontested by the media) that badgers will be difficult creatures to hunt and even harder to kill cleanly. I cannot imagine an easier creature to dispatch than a badger. You know where they are, you know more or less when they'll appear, they follow the same trails night after night like they're on rails and they're very easy to get close to. Any .22 CF generating 1000 ft/lb or above is going to slam them into the dirt like they've been hit by a train. Getting within range and killing them humanely will be entirely straightforward. There will be no question of badgers full of lead shot limping round the woods screaming in agony. Anyone familiar with rifles knows this, even though they've never shot a badger in their lives. Its obvious. Why can't the general public be told the truth?

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From what I've seen of rent a mob there's one or two scary beasts among em that look like they need a good torturing :lol::lol: if you was unfortunate enough to be married to one of em you'd be well pleased to dump em off at the badger camp and hope the protests go on forever :whistling: .

Agree....... I'd rather be a thorn in Cheryl's backside

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