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Set up help needed


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Hi im new to pigeon shooting and this is my first post on pw just after some help with my set up for this saturday il try n set the picture im shooting a pretty much square field with a hedge either side north and south footpath and a road east and west on the northern side half the field has been strate sown rape the other half is the left over wheat stubble most of the birds are feeding on the wheat stubble but a few on the sown rape on saturday the wind will be blowing into the south hedgeline where the birds are feeding heres the big question do i decoy the sown rape with the wind of my back or decoy where the birds are feeding with the wind in my face im totally stuck and personally im thinking try n draw them face on rather than expect them to almost fly into my hide to turn and decoy into the wind hopfully this makes sense and someone can help cheers ribz

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Go for where the birds are feeding and/or with the strongest flight line, as long as the wind is not blowing heavy into your face and hide to be disruptive.

if you are worried about the birds coming head on to your hide then move the decoy pattern slightly to the left or right as fancied within gun range giving you a slight left to right or right to left shot, it can possibly also take the birds attention away from the hide.

If the birds are coming from behind and will not circle into the pattern then move the decoys further out last one near the 40 yard mark especialy if they are coming over trees again if you dont want a bum shot move the pattern to one side.

You realy have to work it out on the day by watching the birds for a time.

Edited by deny essex
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Most of the birds are coming from the north over the hedge but flying right across the other side to feed but not all there coming from all over the place im think that maybe an l shape patern would be better ive got a rough plan il sit and watch saturday mornin see wot happerns cheers and il post and let ya no wot happerns

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Most of the birds are coming from the north over the hedge but flying right across the other side to feed but not all there coming from all over the place im think that maybe an l shape patern would be better ive got a rough plan il sit and watch saturday mornin see wot happerns cheers and il post and let ya no wot happerns cheers deny

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1.best to be where they are feeding not where you want them to feed.2. Also vital to be not far off flightline. 3.Split your decoys into 2 batches assuming you have enough and remember if there is any noticeable wind pigeons will ALWAYS land into the wind so set your hide for shooting them on their 'final descent' into the pattern. As Deny above says if this means they suddenly appear from behind set the decoys to the sides of the hide so you have quartering birds...whilst they will appear from the flightline they will usually circle before they approach, the most important tip once you have hide/decoys well placed is to keep v.still until the final approach then aim slow fire quick once they are committed to coming in.

The only thing you can predict about pigeons is they are unpredictable! So be flexible on the day if they come over/flare off or do not commit go change your pattern or move.If things go well stay in your hide, only go out and add shot birds to the pattern if they start flaring off (pigeons aren't crazy on seeing their mates upside down).Take some kebab sticks and just stick these in the ground to support shot birds heads.(literally push stick up under chin right through to the top of skull).As its cut and they are feeding there now I would not bother with rotary, unless the field is huge.


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Thanks yep think ive got a plan the last time shot this field the rotary made them wary this time im guna use static flocked and f.u.ds no other gimics

Il post my results tomorrow nite my friend is going to set up on the other side of the field so i will be able to compare results thanks for your help very informative

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I actually like to shoot with the wind in my face if I can... the birds will generally turn into the wind to land and present easier shots as they fly in from behind the hide. You have to keep your eyes peeled though but it is quite exciting.....the anticipation...


In one field a few years back where the birds were feeding in a corner near a house and a road where I couldn't access I put one of those big owl decoys where they were feeding and this made them turn and pushed them back over my pattern.


It was quite interesting and amusing watching all the Crows, magpies and even a couple of blackbirds mobbing the Plastic Owl all afternoon.!

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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