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Clay buster comes unstuck.


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I took young William out this afternoon. William, aged 12, is a very keen clay shot and apparently he is very good at it. He has shot pigeons with me before but today his techniques were simply lacking.


We were shooting a rape stubble which had 200 birds on it when we arrived. It was hot and there was no wind. In such conditions I have been known not to set up but as this was the last chance I had to take him out before he goes back to school tomorrow I decided to give it a go. We shared a hide so that I could watch him in action.


The first problem I had was getting him to look through the netting rather than over it. I lost count of the number of birds which he scared away by popping up at the critical time. Another problem I noticed was that when he stood up from his seat his feet were very often completely wrong for the shot. Pigeon decoying in a hide is not like waiting for a clay to arrive when the shooter has time to arrange his feet and body into the perfect position. Another fault was judging distance. He cannot expect to shoot pigeons at 50m.


He was though very good company and he remained cheerful despite missing a lot of birds which he really should have killed. This is one very keen boy. We picked 51 after a three hour session. Had I been on my own I would have shot more but that of course was never the point about this afternoon's outing.

Edited by JDog
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im sure william will take a lot onboard from this afternoon and learn a lot.

we all started somewhere. he is a lucky young man to have such a mentor take him out. good on you for that JDog.


incidentally have seen a few very good clay shots over the years that have struggled on live pigeons.

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William's a lucky lad to share your hide JDog.


I went shooting clays on Sunday as I need the practice. Didn't realise that it was a CPSA event so was amongst some serious clay shooters. There were numerous comments about missed clays on the first stand as there was a strong wind and as the clays went above the tree line on a ridge they suddenly veered sideways. It was my best stand.....flew just like a real pigeon!

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