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Are social services going to far.


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I know the link is from the daily fail, but having read it, i think social services are completely out of control. They often fail children who are abused or killed by their parents/Step parents, yet this happens to a family with no links to child cruelty?


Whats people views?



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I'm sure they do lots of good work - but there is an element in there which are a law unto their own - and the fact that they had to go to court to publish this video is testament to that.


Read some of the articles by Telegraph columnist Christpher Booker:




Some of the ones dealing with social services make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

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Short answer is, I don't know. I do however think that more transparency in the whole family court arena is a good thing. The needs of the child should come first and social workers can have fixed views in certain cases.


Saying that, it's a tough job and tough calls have to be made.

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I agree, as far as jobs go, im not sure i could make those decisions. its just scary how they can screw up on a monumental scale, like with baby P, all involved with the child were know to the police, and social, none were capable of looking after themselves, let alone a child, and the results were devastating.


Im sure there is more to the whole story, but if they parents havent been investigated by social for any child abuse, i find it hard how a judge can say to take the kids away? There are so many other cases, where people pop kids out like their going out of fashion for benefits? Yet seem to fail a family trying to be good parents.

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It's very difficult to comment on this case as what has been presented is quite one sided. I'm not in anyway saing that people with learning difficulties cannot be good mothers and fathers with depression can't be good fathers, but what would we saying about the socail services if the child was negelcted, they have an older child in care any way which shows that they have given social service a good reason to believe the child may come to harm, they do have to get a court order to take the kids in the first place. I'm a little surprised that they were at home with the kid, my wife is a midwife and social services are often there to take babies away, it is very sad, but these are often girls on herion or, like in this case, already have their other kids in care, alot them think they can just have another and keep it.

I guess social services didn't want this video on line as alot of people will think that there social workers are cruel and they may become a target etc. what they do is HARD, it will be hard for the parents. Will what they do be in the best interest of the child? hopefully. Is that the sincere believe of the social worker doing this? Yes.

It is the classic dammed if you do dammed if you don't, it's not a job I'd want to do, but I'm glad someone does.


EDIT: I'd spelt herion as herione, heroic girls can have babies! lol.

Edited by e2000e2000e
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It's a very tough job, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to go into it ,no one likes you, your either too soft or too extreme.

Your original link says nothing of why the child was taken but they clearly knew the baby was going. It must be heart breaking.

Then your other comment about baby P, where the mother lied about and for the murderer!

Just remember one couples bickering is another couples volatile relationship.

The sad part is that their is a section of society running just under capable , they used to try to keep children together after rare events like baby P the only logical thing to do is to remove more children. It's percentages.


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Im not knocking the work they do, just how different each department operated between countys? Baby P was a wake up, but it wasnt the first case, and it hasnt been the last, If all social services took kids away from family who bickered, honeslty, how many of us would actually have our children living with us.

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There are also the cases where people leave the country to keep their children - and social services (spending public money) chase after them in foreign courts. As if they have nothing better to do within the UK.

whats that old saying??


there is no smoke without fire??


as has been said before there is undoubtedly more to this story


That is the kind of bumph that they hide behind. There is no public oversight of what they do - everything is in closed/secret courts.

Edited by aris
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I can't go into detail because I don't want to prejudice anything that is going on at the moment.


My own experience, where a niece by marriage has had her children taken away recently, Social Services are a lamentable, disorganised, shambles who needlessly cause untold harm to children.

My niece has never caused harm to or endangered her children but, somehow, the SS presumed that she might. They refused all offers of support from us and the rest of the family and refused to tell us the reason why they needed to take them away. The two girls have been sent to different families hundreds of miles from each other and one is being put up for adoption.


We now know the reason for them being removed and we know for a fact that the SS have themselves exposed both children to the very risk that they were supposedly protecting the children from.


Never at any time were the children harmed by their mother, or anyone else. They were taken on the premise that harm might occur. As I've said, they have actually exposed the children by insisting that somebody who was prevented by us and the rest of the family from any contact whatsoever have now been given direct access to the children at the insistence of the SS.


The SS have now realised what we were trying to tell them but they refuse to reverse any of their decisions. These children and their loving family have now been separated for 18 months and none of us can penetrate this secret sect. :no::mad: :mad:


They are not held in high regard by me.

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