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South Herts Newby (sorta)


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Hello All, I'm the new guy round here.


I'm based in south Herts and often found at Atkin Grant and Lang in Markyate shooting clays with my rather unorthidox Winchester 1300 Pump but I've been itching to getting back into shooting pidgins (which I am hoping is a dam sight cheaper then 40p a clay on the weekends!)


Held my SGC since 2009 when I got into shooting the odd pigeon with a friend on a small bit of land he had rights to, but things change and shooting fell by the way side.....Fast forward to 2 months ago when the Other half and myself were on holiday in Breccon when we stopped off at Woodland park clay ground, Great group of guys there and had a fantastic time (but that is another story)


So here I am, Getting back into the swing of things, re-learning my skills on the clays and (hopefully) getting into some pidgin shooting


Oh and a bit about me,


I'm 28

My Name is Justin, But most people call me Fielder. (Justin Bieber jokes will be responded to with violence!)

When i'm not at the gym or shooting, I'm doing this:


(yup, That's me)


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Cheers for the warm welcome guys. Good to see some locals too. I know stevenage very well, a miss spent youth driving brightly coloured modifed cara around the leisure parl and racing up and down the A1m. Ahh to be younger again.


And this grooming you mention? Is this a catholic priest style grooming? Should I be afraid?


I'm yet to venture to A1 grounds. I will have to let you know when i do visit.

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