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Gemini Chokes for a Beretta?


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Yes chokes are similar.. like shoes are all similar because they go on your feet.


Your pattern has an awful lot do to with the cartridge you use as well. If you are not going to pattern test your gun then don't waste your time as you will have no clue what a choke does on your gun or the carts you use.


Chokes are full conical like Teague or conical and parallel like most others.


If you want to **** with your head read this.




Have fun.


As far as I can tell full conical is best.. But I've not pattern tested my gun yet to tell so will give no advice on chokes.. other than to say stay clear unless you want to boggle your head.

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you do not say why you want different chokes,do you not have the full range or just want to try something else,in which case I would say don't waste your money the people who make the gun will design the chokes to work best with it.

I have Cyl, mod & full as supplied with the gun - I always tend to use 1/4 in an auto hence this is the one I require.

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