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Short Notice Cull Stag

Elk hunter

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I had PW member Steven come on saturday to do my Beginners Day that was advertised at short notice last week. The weather was damp and miserable when I met steven for breakfast at 7pm. But from 8 till 10am on the range the weather got drier and the sun came out. After he had got familiar with my sako TRG 308 and could comfortably hit the 150 and 200 yard deer targets, I pulled out my .233 and .25-06 for him to have a go with so he could see the difference in recoil to a heavy tactical rifle and a sporting rifle.

We then went up the hills to the deer to find a cull stag. In the group there were 6-20 point stags and a few very lively hinds. We sat for a while just watching then and I was telling Steven what I was looking in a stag. My client wishes big bodied animals and the heads are a by product. So there ware two stags of similar age 3 years but one has a far heavier build, so he was to be kept (for now). The other was for the pot.

With the hinds being very jumpy we had to sit and wait for a shot and seemed just as all were settled, a hind decided she was not happy upsetting the group again. So it was going to be a long shot. Steven stepped up a took the stag at 240 yards with a lung and liver shot. The stag ran into the gorse and collapsed, making it hard work getting him out.

Have to hand to Steven for his fist stag it was tough shot, he did a great job. His did a nice job of gutting such a large animal as he'd not done much bigger than rabbits till yesterday. So for his first stag, it was not a bad wall hanger.

Thank you to that have enquired about my Beginners Day.



Edited by Elk hunter
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