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hamstring injury


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A week ago whilst dogging in my pheasants I slipped on an escarpment and hurt my left leg, the next day I couldn't put any weight on it and was in severe pain. the missus bless her forced me to go to the local A&E dept. The doctor said I had a level 2 tear to hamstring gave me crutches and serious pain killers reffered me to a physio and said to rest it for 2-6 weeks !!!!


well a week later the pain is just as bad apart from the meds that sort of make me float in the sky but what I wanted to know is has anyone had similar ? if so how long until they were up and about again ? and the one thing that i am really struggling with is the boredom of being indoors and not out shooting.



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A friend torn his groin. doing football. The bruise looked really bad.


Couldnt get out of bed for 2-3 days. When he could he went to the doctors, which told him 8-12 weeks recovery. If no recovery come back. After the weeks went by he had to go back. Then had to have a few physio sessions.


Hes walking and can jog if he takes it easy. Still not 100% after 16 weeks though. Cant do any leg or abs workouts either. He can do normal day to day activities now as well just cant over exert himself yet.


It really does depend on how good you rest it, how quickly you are at recovering and how bad the tear is...


Did the doctor not give you a rough idea of how long to rest?

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Unfortunately for you, any rupture or tear of a muscle can take a long time to heal. Sometimes surgical intervention is needed.


The hamstring is a big muscle and sadly it will take time to heal. It's painful and uncomfortable.


There's not a lot you can do except rest it and take the medical advice.


Sorry to hear you will be off your feet for a while but do take as much time as it needs or you may find yourself back to square one.


2-6 weeks sounds quite agreeable to me. As has been said, some can be up to 12+ weeks.



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Not want to upset you but I had a very serious accident four and a half years a go. I totally mashed my ankle snapped the ligaments in my lower foot, had surgery(local anisetic), had 3 months with leg up and still suffer now so hope you fair better. I use to get cramp in places I never knew I could get it.

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some years ago someone opened a train door as the train was running into the platform,

and the door knocked me over and partially severed my achilles tendon (yeeeeeouch) I was in hospital 3 days, in bed 4 weeks, and on crutches until 15 months later


ALL I can say to you is.................Good Luck with a Speedy Recovery

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Don't force the issue as it will only come back to haunt you.


I stretched a ligament in my left knee at the end July at it's still not healed fully.


thanks guys now im well cheered up !!!! back to the hospital tomorrow for an appointment, well that's my 1st week of inactivity done and dusted been the longest of my life, the season is fast looming and im really starting to get stressed now :-(

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